#1: Meet your Nutrient Needs:
This simply means eating a wide range of colorful fruits and vegetables in order to give the body what it needs to function best.
*Eat high quality lean proteins at each meal (aim for 30g/meal) to fuel your activity and support your muscular system.
*Consume healthy fats rich in Omega 3's to reduce inflammation in the body (fish, seeds, eggs, fish oil, etc)
*Correct any nutrient deficiencies that you know of. Most Americans are deficient in vitamins such as B12, E, C, and vitamin D as well as minerals such as zinc, iron, and magnesium. Consider a good multivitamin/mineral supplement.
*Eat fibrous starches (oats, sweet potato, root vegetables, quinoa, etc)
#2: Listen to Your Body:
Now this one takes practice. Your body is always...